Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Why Compact PST (Outlook Data) Files?

You're probably wondering, "What does it mean to compact Outlook data files (usually called Outlook PST files), and why should I do it?"
Your Outlook data is stored on your computer in one or more personal folders files, usually called .pst files.The .pst refers to the file extension assigned to these kinds of files. Anyway, every
Outlook data item (email message, task, contact, etc.) occupies space in a .pst file. So far so good.

So what happens to the .pst file when you delete an Outlook item? The item goes to Outlook's Deleted Items folder. Since the item can be recovered from there, it makes sense that the item still takes up some space in the .pst file.

Now what happens when you empty the Deleted Items folder? From our point of view, the item is completely gone. It can't be recovered using any normal means. And the item is deleted from the .pst file too. But the space it occupied is still unavailable for other uses.
This means that, unless something happens, your .pst files will get bigger and bigger over time, even if you keep the same number of items in Outlook.
This is why you need to occasionally compact PST files. Compacting Outlook data files reclaims the space that is unavailable because it was previously occupied by an item. This can greatly reduce the amount of space that the .pst file occupies on your hard drive, and helps Outlook function efficiently. 

How Often Should I Compact My .pst Files?

There are no hard and fast rules for this. Unless you are having problems, such as Outlook running very slow, or are in desperate need of more disk space, I would suggest you compact PST files once or twice a year.

Compacting for Outlook 2003

To compact a .pst file in Outlook 2003, follow these steps:
  1. Click File. In the File menu, click Data File Management. This opens the Data File Management dialog box.
  2. Select the .pst file you want to compact, then click the Settings button. This opens the Settings dialog box.
  3. Click the General tab, then Compact Now.
  4. When done, click OK, then Close.

Compacting for Outlook 2007

Compacting .pst files in Outlook 2007 is a little different than in previous versions. Just follow these steps and you'll have no trouble

From the Outlook main window, choose Data File Management from the File menu.

The Account Settings dialog will open up on the Data Files tab. Highlight Personal Folders, which should be located on the local drive, then click on the Settings button.

Now with the Personal Folders dialog box open, click on Compact Now.
A message indicating compacting is taking place will pop up then disappear when done. Now we can close out of the remaining windows.
And that will do it. Repeat as desired for additional .pst files.

1 comment:

  1. Compact PST compresses the size of the Outlook PST files, while compressing the data of the PST file,Well as it preserves the interlinking between the files as well as the attachments. The
    Stellar Phoenix Compact Pst while compressing the data extracts all the attachments and saves it to another folder.

    As a result, it reduces the chance of corruption of PST file and prevents it to exceed its size limit.

    Hurry visit: http://www.mannatsoftware.com/stellar-phoenix-compact-pst.html
