Monday, October 27, 2014

.NET Runtime Optimization Service causing CPU High Load on Windows Server 2012

This afternoon, i get issues with my Domain Controller, on Windows Server 2012 R2, having CPU High load and after checking in the Task Manager i noticed the service “NET Runtime Optimization Service” was running and getting most of the CPU load, even after a reboot.
After some research on internet, it seems to happen on servers where you have installed the .NET Framework 4.
To solve this issue :
Open a command prompt and change folder to this one “C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework

 Once, this is done, you just have to type the following command: “ngen.exe executequeueditems”.

 Your computer will compile a lot of stuff during few seconds or minutes, regarding to your computer.
When finished and your computer/server restarted, your CPU load should feel better.
Source :

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